Key Features of Subscription for WooCommerces
- Create subscriptions for variation types, simple and virtual products
- Set subscriptions plan start date at any time of the month
- Automatic retrial and cancellation of subscription plan
- Upgrade or downgrade subscription plans by users
- Automatic email on subscription renewal failure
- Exclusive coupon types Pause subscription plans
- Email notifications for reminders
- API of course for details on a mobile app
- Export active subscriptions
- Handle subscription proration
- Support multiple subscriptions
- Sell membership subscriptions
- Additional advanced subscription settings
- Multiple secure payment gateways compatible
- Compatible with the latest WC/WP and WPML
- Subscriptions for WooCommerce Pro also support the Manual subscription Order creation. You can create manual subscriptions and assign them to users. Checkout the Manual Subscription Order Documentation
2.How to Download The Plugin?
To download the premium plugin that you purchased please follow the below steps:-
- Go To https://wpswings.com/my-account
- Visit Orders Section
There you will get a License code and a Premium purchased plugin zip file Download and use it on your website by activating it
Note: You need to have both Free and Pro plugins in order to use them smoothly
Let’s See how you can download and install both the free and pro version of the Subscription plugin
There are two ways to install the free Subscriptions for WooCommerce plugin:
Automatic Installation:
Automatic installation is the easiest option handled by WordPress.
Follow these steps for the installation:
1) Go to the Admin panel navigate to the sidebar click on the ‘Plugins’ menu > ‘Add New’.
2) On the ‘Add Plugins’ page go to the search bar and type ‘Subscription For WooCommerce’.Once you find ‘Subscription For WooCommerce’ by WP Swings, you can view the details about it such as the points release, rating, and description. One can install it, simply by clicking “Install Now”
2. Manual Installation
The manual installation of the plugin is another option to install the plugin in the seller’s WordPress environment.
The manual installation method involves downloading our ‘Subscription For WooCommerce Extension and uploading it to the web server via their favorite FTP application.
The steps for manual installation are as follows:
1) Upload the ‘Subscription For WooCommerce’ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
2) Activate the WooCommerce Subscription plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
**The best results can be viewed by using the “WooCommerce” standard theme (Storefront). Any third-party plugin might cause conflict with our plugin.**
You can download our Subscriptions for WooCommerce plugin directly from here:
Download Zip
Please check out our Premium Version for more enhanced features:
Premium Version
Automatic Installation:
Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t need to leave your web browser.
The steps are as follows :
1) Download the zip folder of the plugin Subscription For WooCommerce Pro from My Account > Orders > Click on view > Scroll down and download the plugin zip file
2) Once downloaded, install the Subscription For WooCommerce Pro plugin by browsing and activating it.
Note: Visit the Login page to create your account before completing your purchase.
Manual Installation:
The manual installation of the Subscription for WooCommerce plugin is another option. To install the plugin to your WordPress environment.
The manual installation method involves downloading our Subscription for WooCommerce Pro Extension and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application
The steps are as follows :
(i) Kindly, upload the Subscription for WooCommerce Pro folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
(ii) Activate the Subscription For WooCommerce PRO plugin through the WooCommerce ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
Note: Before activating the Subscription For WooCommerce Pro, you should have the Subscription For WooCommerce – WordPress plugin otherwise, the plugin will not function.
So, if you don’t already have it, you can download it directly from here:
3.3.License Activation (PRO)
After Purchasing the premium version navigate to My Account > Orders > Your Order. There you’ll find the License Key.
If you want to benefit from all the premium features and automatic updates and access the support platform to receive help from our staff. In that case, it’s necessary to activate the license.
To do so, you have to navigate to the “License” tab, here you can enter the “License Key”, and click on the “Activate” button. Customers are supposed to receive these in their mail when they purchase the premium plugin.
You can also find the license activation code in the My Accounts > Order section
4.General Settings
Subsequently, after activating the plugin,
Go to Plugins > Installed Plugins > Subscriptions for WooCommerce > Settings
Now you are ready to continue with the general settings of the plugin. Before proceeding to the available settings, you will find an overview section, where you can briefly go through the free plugin features.
In the general settings section, the admin can find all the general settings related to the subscription-based products and services.
Enable Disable Subscription: Check the tickbox to enable or disable the subscription plugin
Add To Cart Text: Here you can enter the text that you want to show on Add To Cart Button
Frontend Representation:
Place Order Text: Here you can enter the text that you want to show on Place Order Button
Frontend Representation:
Cancelling Subscription: Tick the Checkbox to allow customers to cancel their subscription
Frontend Representation:
Customers can navigate to the My Account > Subscriptions > Show (Any active subscription plan) and click on Cancel Subscriptions
5.Add Manual Subscriptions Order
With this feature, the admin has full control over subscriptions, including the ability to set the subscription intervals, subscription expiry intervals and add any products to the manual subscription depending upon his choice.
In addition, the admin can select a parent order to access the payment details processed via Stripe or PayPal, ensuring a seamless workflow when the subscription is renewed.
6.Subscription Table
In this section, the admin will find all the existing subscription plans in his WooCommerce store. All details of individual subscription plans are listed here.
Admin can:
- Delete or cancel a subscription plan
- Search the subscription plan in the search bar by order id
- Export active subscription plans in a CSV filePremium
- Add Manual Subscription OrdersPremium
- View subscription renewal order and Expiry date
Details Of Subscription Plans :
For a bird’s eye view of all the subscription plans,
- Go to Dashboard > WP Swings > Subscriptions for WooCommerce > Subscription Table
- Admin can note the following fields here:
- Order
- Status of the subscription, i.e., active, canceled, or expired
- Subscription-based product name
- Recurring amount
- User name
- Next recurring payment date.
- Subscription expiry date
Deleting Subscription Plans:
Admin can delete the expired or non-renewed subscription plans.
- Go to Dashboard >> Wp Swings >> Subscriptions for WooCommerce >> Subscription Table
- Navigate to ‘Bulk Action’ and click the dropdown.
- The delete option will appear.
- Select the subscription plans you want to delete.
- Click Apply.
Cancelling Subscription Plan:
Both user and admin canceling subscription functionality is provided in the plugin.
For Admin, the steps are:
Admin can cancel the subscription plans.
- Go to Dashboard >> Wp Swings >> Subscriptions for WooCommerce >> Subscription Table
- Navigate to ‘Bulk Action’ and click the dropdown.
- The cancel option will appear.
- Select the subscription plans you want to cancel.
- Click Apply.
For Users, the steps are:
Customers can navigate to the My Account > Subscriptions > Show (Any active subscription plan) and click on Cancel Subscriptions
Export Active Subscriptions :Premium
Admin can export active subscriptions in a CSV file using WooCommerce subscriptions plugin. For that:
- Go to Dashboard > WP Swings > Subscriptions for WooCommerce > General Settings
- Navigate and click the ‘Export CSV’ option.
- File will be downloaded on your system.
Change Next Payment Date and Order Total Premium
Admin can change the next payment details and order total by clicking on the update button under the update subscription tab.
After clicking on the button a pop-up will appear where you can set the new date and add the new price
Subscriptions Renewal Order :
Admin can also check subscriptions renewal order. For that:
- Go to Dashboard > WP Swings > Subscriptions for WooCommerce > Subscriptions Table
- Select order you want to check > View Order.
7.Subscription API
Admin can enable API features from the API Settings.
To enable API feature:
- Go to WordPress Dashboard > Subscriptions For WooCommerce > API Settings > Generate and Save Button
- A secret key will be generated.
For authentication you need Consumer Secret {consumer_secret} keys.
- Response on wrong API details:
“code”: “rest_forbidden”,
“message”: “Sorry, you are not allowed to do that.”,
“data”: {
“status”: 401
Get All Subscription List
- Base Url to get all subscription: {site_url}/wp-json/wsp-route/v1/wsp-view-subscription
- Example: http://rnd.local/wp-json/wsp-route/v1/wsp-view-subscription
- Parameters Required: {consumer_secret}
JSON response example:
“code”: 200,
“status”: “success”,
“data”: [
“subscription_id”: 490,
“parent_order_id”: “489”,
“status”: “cancelled”,
“product_name”: “wpswings-daily-susbcription”,
“recurring_amount”: “6”,
“user_name”: “admin”,
“next_payment_date”: “April 8, 2021 9:09 am”,
“subscriptions_expiry_date”: “—”
“subscription_id”: 486,
“parent_order_id”: “485”,
“status”: “active”,
“product_name”: “free trial”,
“recurring_amount”: “8”,
“user_name”: “admin”,
“next_payment_date”: “May 4, 2021 12:42 pm”,
“subscriptions_expiry_date”: “—”
8.Subscription Box
We have introduced the most awaited Subscription Box feature. Using this feature your customers can build their own box with favorite products. They choose items and get regular deliveries—daily, weekly, or monthly—whatever suits them.
As an admin, you can set flexible pricing based on their picks. It’s an easy, customer-focused way to increase happiness and keep orders coming.
We’ve created detailed documentation for this subscription box feature. Please check it out here
9.1.Subscription Manage by Customer
Allow the Time duration for the Subscription cancellation: Toggle this option to allow a specific time duration after a user can cancel their subscription
Enter the number of days after which the user will be able to cancel their subscription: Here you can enter the number of days user will be able to cancel their subscription
9.2.Failed Renewal Attempts
Enable automatic payment retry for failed attempts: Toggle this option to set automatic retry for subscription plan payments. Thus, ensuring the WooCommerce recurring orders are fulfilled properly
Enter the number of failed payment attempts: After a certain number of failed attempts, the subscription will be canceled.
9.3.Email Notification
Ability to send subscription is going to expire email notification: Toggle this option to inform your customers that their subscription is going to expire via email
Enter the number of days before subscription expiration email send: Here you can decide the number of days after which the subscription expiration email shall be sent
Enter the number of days before which you want to send the recurring payment reminder: Days before to send emails to customers when you are about to deduct the payment. You can set a number of days before you would like to send a reminder email.
9.4. Variable Subscriptions Upgrade/Downgrade
Give ability to upgrade/downgrade: Toggle this to allow users to upgrade or downgrade subscription plans
Allow Upgrade/Downgrade only with same interval: Toggle this to allow users to upgrade or downgrade subscriptions only for the same interval.
This means the user can switch subscriptions in the same interval, i.e. days, weeks, or months as the current subscription plan.
Do not allow Downgrade: Toggle this option to do not allow downgrade to users
Ability to accept prorate price during Upgrade/Downgrade: Toggle this to accept a prorate price when users upgrade or downgrade subscription plans
Note: You can’t change the price after the subscription is made by the user. In case you still want specifically, connect to our support team
Manage prorate price during Upgrade/Downgrade: Admin can choose to manage subscription proration amount in the following way
- Extend next payment date
- Put leftover amount in the user wallet as wallet credit
Here is how the notification will look when you extend the payment date
Here is how the notification looks when you put the left amount in user’s wallet
Ability to accept prorate signup fee during Upgrade/Downgrade: You can allow proration on sign-up fees for upgrading or downgrading subscription plans
9.5.Renewal Date Synchronization
Ability to take renewal payment from a certain date: You can take the subscription renewal payment from the users on a selected day.
The subscription payment will be cut on this day after every subscription interval
Thereafter, the admin can synchronize the payment day from the subscription settings of variable and simple subscription products.
Prorate price for certain date of month: Admin can decide the types of proration on subscription plans. In this way, the customer pays for their subscriptions based on the time they are using it.
There are 3 options in this setting; below is the detailed overview of those options:
1. Charge Prorate Amount for Subscription:
This option is mainly to prorate the first payment. If there is a difference of days between the start of the subscription plan and payment submission day, the admin can decide to take or not take payment for the rest of the days.
An initial fee based on the days left in the present billing cycle shall be charged from the customer if the first payment is prorated.
For example, let us assume that a customer takes up a subscription of 30$ per month on the 15th of July. But, the admin calculates the WooCommerce recurring payments from the 20th of every month. In that case, if this option is enabled, the admin can charge (5$) the 5-day amount from the user at the time of sign-up. (As the difference here between 15th and 20th is 5 days) And, from the next 20th the billing cycle will be refined.
Please note, this addition will be made along with sign up fees if any. Admin also needs to allow the feature of ‘enable subscriptions from a certain date of the month’ for this setting.
2. Do Not Charge Prorate Amount:
If this option is enabled, no prorated amount will be charged from the customers. Merchants will not be able to take payments for the remaining days of the subscription plan.
Taking the same example, if this option is enabled then the customer will pay 30$ for a subscription plan starting from the 15th of this month till the 20th of the next month as the first recurring payment. In short, customers will not pay any fees for the first 5 days and directly pay 30$ next 20th.
3. Charge Prorate Amount For Subscription Even Free Trial:
This option will charge a prorated amount for the subscription plan. It will also include the free trial fees.
Understanding with the same example, if a 30$ per month subscription plan starts from the 15th and the payment date is the 20th, but the admin has set a free trial of 2 days. Then, the prorated amount will be charged after a 2 days trial.
As in this case, the free trial will end on the 17th. So, customers will have to pay 3 days prorated amount (3$ as the difference between the 17th and 20th is 3 days) at sign-up.
9.6.Manage Subscription Products and Quantities in the Cart
9.8.Other Settings
Ability to checkout with BACS, COD and Cheque Payment Gateways: Toggle this option to allow your users to checkout via manual payment gateways like BACS, Cash on Delivery and Cheque
Allow start date on subscription products: Toggle this to set the start date of subscription products and services. The start date will be visible on the subscription product page
NOTE: In This WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin, when you set a start date for a subscription product. The product or service subscription starts from the set date, but the first subscription amount is taken when the order is placed. Subsequently, the recurring payment will be taken from the following payment date after the start date.
For example, a user buys a subscription product of 99$ from your store on 25 January with a start date of 15 February. In this case, the subscription will start from 15 February. Still, the first payment by the user will be made on 25 January itself on the checkout page(including sign-up fees, if any). After that, the next recurring payment of the subscription product shall be taken from the user on 15 March (as set by the admin in synchronization).
10.Report View
A new detailed report view has been added to display key subscription data. The report includes metrics such as Total Subscription Sales, Top Subscribed Products, Total Renewals, Canceled Subscriptions, Renewed Subscriptions, and Monthly Renewal Revenue. The data is available in both graph and table formats for easy reference and analysis.
11.Assigning Subscription To Simple Product
Subscriptions for WooCommerce is a free plugin that allows the admin to assign simple products as subscription items. Steps for posting any product as a subscription product are as follows:
- Go to Dashboard > Products > All Products.
- Select the product or service you want to assign as a subscription item.
- Tick the subscription check box. The subscription checkbox will only be available for simple products.
- The product or service will now become subscription-based.
12.Assigning Subscriptions To variable Product
For assigning subscriptions to variable products:
- Go to Dashboard > Products > All Products
- Select variable product in product data.
- Go to variations
- Select the ‘expand’ option to change subscriptions settings for variable products.
- Tick the subscription checkbox for enabling subscriptions on variable products. The variable products will now be available for subscriptions.
13.Subscription for Bundle Products
Our subscriptions plugin is compatible with the WooCommerce Product Bundles for creating subscriptions for bundled products. To do this, follow these steps:
- Go to Products >> Add New.
- Enter your product details such as name, price, category, tags, etc., in the relevant places.
- Select Product Type as Product Bundle and go to the Bundled Products tab.
- To add new products to your bundle, use the Add product button.
14.Subscriptions Settings
After assigning the subscription to products, the subscription settings option will appear.
To directly go to the subscription settings, follow these steps:
- Go to Dashboard > Products > All Products > Any Subscription Product > Subscriptions Settings
- Now, the admin can perform several modifications that might differ from product to product.
14.1.Subscription Per Interval
Subscription per interval is the interval when the admin will receive the WooCommerce recurring payment of the subscription-based product or service. Admin can set the interval of regular revenue from this section. It can be after any number of months, days, weeks, or years.
The steps to edit a subscription per interval are as follows:
- Go to Dashboard > Products > All Products > Any Subscription Product > Subscriptions Settings
- The first option on the subscription settings section is ‘Subscription Per Interval.’ Fill in the details.
- Update these changes.

14.2.Subscription Expiry Interval
Admin can set for how long they want to provide a subscription to the user. It is the period for which the user will have access to the subscription-based product or service. The payment will then be triggered on the same day every month until the subscription plan expires.
The steps to set subscription expiry interval are:
- Go to Dashboard > Products > All Products > Any Subscription Product > Subscriptions Settings
- Navigate to the ‘Subscription Expiry Interval’ just below ‘Subscription Per Interval.’
- Update the change.

14.3.Unlimited Subscription
If the admin wants to grant a subscription service forever or an unlimited subscription to a product, then
- Go to Dashboard > Products > All Products > Any Subscription Product > Subscriptions Settings
- Navigate ‘Subscription Expiry Interval’ and leave it empty. Do not fill in any details.
14.4.Initial Sign-Up Fees
Admin can impose a sign-up fee for subscription-based products. The initial expenses are added to the recurring subscription payment.
The steps to set the initial sign-up fee are:
- Go to Dashboard > Products > All Products > Any Subscription Product > Subscriptions Settings
- Navigate to ‘Initial Sign Up Fees’ and put in your desired amount.
- Update the change.
14.5.Free Trial Interval
Admin can offer free trials to the user with Subscriptions for WooCommerce free plugin. No fee is charged for the free trial period. The recurring payment will begin after the free trial.
To change settings for a free trial:
- Go to Dashboard > Products > All Products > Any Subscription Product > Subscriptions Settings
- Navigate to ‘Free Trial Interval’ and set the desired frequency of free trials.
- Admin can set free trial frequency for days, months, weeks, or years.
- Update the change.
14.6.Choose Subscriptions Start Date
Admin can choose from what exact date he wants to start the subscription service or product. For that:
- Go to Dashboard > Products > All Products > Any Subscription Product > Subscriptions Settings
- Navigate to ‘Choose Subscription Start Date’
- Set the desired date.
- Update the change.
Subscription Start Date On Frontend
The subscription plan start date will be visible just above the product description. The start date of the subscription product might be in the next week, month or year. Still, the first payment shall be taken from the customer during the immediate checkout, along with the sign-up fees, if any. After that, the customer will pay the recurring fees in the upcoming week, month or year.
14.7. Enable Subscription Certain Date of Month
Merchants can take renewal subscription payments from a particular day of a week, month or year. The renewal subscription payment from the certain date setting is for a recurring payment cut on the selected day. This means the admin can synchronize days depending upon the subscription per interval, i.e.:
- Monday, Tuesday, etc. in case of weeks
- Day1, Day 2, etc. in case of months
- January, February, etc., in the case of years.
The recurring payment shall be cut from the subscriber account on this day.
In order to enable subscription plans from a certain date of the month, the admin can enable this feature.
- Go to Dashboard > Products > All Products > Any Subscription Product > Subscriptions Settings
- Mark the ‘Enable subscription certain date of month’ checkbox
Subsequently, you can select from the day for synchronization of your payments. That is to say, the subscription payment gets credited to the admin account every month, or week on this specific day. It depends on the subscription per interval you have chosen. It will show days of the week for weeks, and for years, it will show months.
16.Settings For variable product
- Go to Dashboard > Products > All Products > Variable Subscription Product > Variations > Expand
The subscriptions settings for variable products are also the same.
The admin can set:
- Subscription per interval (months, days, weeks, or years)
- Sign up fee
- Free trial interval (months, days, weeks, or years)
- Subscription Expiry Interval (months, days, weeks, or years)
- Choose start date of the subscription product
Enable subscriptions from certain date of month: Admin has to synchronize
- Days of week when subscription per interval is set to week :
- Days of month when subscription interval is set to months :
- Month when subscription per interval is set to years :
Pay Now, Start Later:
The start date of the subscription product might be in the next week, month or year. Still, the first payment shall be taken from the customer during the immediate checkout, along with the sign-up fees, if any. After that, the customer will pay the recurring fees in the upcoming week, month or year.
Free Trial Limit and One Time Purchase
Similarly like the simple subscription product you can set thr Free Trial Limit and One Time Purchase Price
Note: Make sure you have set the one time purchase amount is greater than subscription price otherwise this will not work
17.Membership Discounts for Subscription Products & Services
Subscription for WooCommerces Pro is compatible with Membership for WooCommerce. Therefore, the admin can also offer membership discounts. Under the description option, you will find the membership discounts.
To offer membership discounts on subscription products and services:
- Go to Dashboard > Products > All Products > Any Variable Subscription Product > Subscriptions Settings
- Navigate to the Membership Discount section. All active membership plans will be shown here.
- Enable discount. The admin can enter a different percentage discount for other membership plans in the box provided.
- Save changes.
18.Subscriptions Emails
The Subscriptions For WooCommerce plugin allows the admin to send out emails when
- Subscription plans are canceled
- Subscription plans expire
- Subscription order renewal failure
- Subscription payments have been done Premium
- Subscription plan has been paused Premium
- Subscriptions have been resumed Premium
- Subscription recurring payment notification Premium
For canceled subscription emails settings:
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails
- Navigate to ‘Canceled Subscriptions Email Notification’ > Manage
- Tick the checkbox to enable this email notification
- Fill in the details like recipient email address, subject, email heading, etc.
- Save Changes.
Expired Subscription Email Notification
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails
- Navigate to ‘Expired Subscriptions Email Notifications’ > Manage
- Tick the checkbox to enable this email notification
- Fill in the details like recipient email address, subject, email heading, etc.
- Save Changes.
For more types of subscription actions emails, use Subscriptions for WooCommerce Pro which allows:
- Paused Subscriptions Email Notifications
- Reactivate Subscriptions Email Notifications
- Manual Renewal Subscriptions Invoice Email Notification
- Subscription Going To Expire Email Notification
Recurring Order Renewal Failure Email Premium
You can notify your customers upon the failure of recurring order renewal. An automated email will be sent to the customer reminding them to renew their subscription.
Our subscription plugin relies on the WooCommerce Failed Order notification feature to remind customers on renewal order failure.
Paused Subscription Email Notification Premium
This email notification is sent when subscription is paused. For managing paused subscription email notifications:
Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > Paused Subscription Email Notification > Manage > Enable.
- Enter an email address if you want to use an email other than your default email.
- Enter Subject, and email heading.
- Save changes.
Reactivate Subscription Email NotificationPremium
This email notification is sent when the subscription plan is reactivated. For managing reactivate subscription email notification
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > Reactivate Subscription Email Notification > Manage > Enable.
- Enter an email address if you want to use an email other than your default email.
- Enter Subject, and email heading.
- Save changes.
Manual Renewal Subscription Invoice Email NotificationPremium
This email notification is sent for a manual renewal subscription invoice. For managing that:
- Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > Manual Renewal Subscription Invoice Email Notification > Manage > Enable.
- Enter Subject, and email heading.
- Save changes.
Subscription Going To Expire Email NotificationPremium
Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > Subscription Going to Expire Email Notification > Manage > Enable.
- Enter Subject, and email heading.
- Save changes.
Subscription Recurring Payment NotificationPremium
The admin can send email notifications about the regular recurring payment of subscription products and services. For that
Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Emails > Subscription Recurring Payment Notification> Manage > Enable
- Enter Subject
- Enter Email heading
- Save Changes.
19.Subscriptions Coupons
The Subscription for WooCommerces Pro enables admin to create exclusive coupons for customers. These coupons can be used by them to avail various discounts. The plugin allows to create coupons for:
- Initial Sign-Up Fee Discount
- Initial Sign-Up Fee Percentage Discount
- Recurring and Product Discount
- Recurring and Product Percentage Discount.
The admin can provide flat discount or percentage discount on subscription based products or services. For that:
- Go to Dashboard > Marketing > Coupons > Add New
- In the Coupon Data section select ‘Discount Type’ from the 4 available options related to subscription coupons.
- Enter Coupon Amount
- Enter Coupon Expiry Date
- Publish.
21.Subscription Renewal Order Refund
The customer renewal order will be refunded through the payment method that he has used to place the renewal order. Such as if a customer has used a Stripe payment method to place the renewal order, then the order will be refunded through the Stripe payment method.
Refunds will be initiated through the payment method that has been used. This payment method can be WooCommerce Eway Gateway, Authorize.Net Payment Gateway For WooCommerce, WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway, WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Payment Gateway.
22.Manually Update Card Details For Ongoing Subscription
With the WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin, customers have the flexibility to update their payment card details at any point during an active subscription period
This feature ensures uninterrupted access to services and improves user convenience by allowing them to change their payment information, anytime as required.
Note: This functionality is supported only when Stripe is configured as the payment gateway.
23.One Time Subscription
You can enable subscription prices for a one-time purchase of products. They can enter a fee for a one-time purchase according to their choice.
For enabling subscription price for one-time purchase in variable product, follow these steps:
- From the backend, navigate to Products and select the specific product.
- Click on Variations setting of the product
- Tick the option Subscriptions Price for One Time Purchase and enter the price for it
- Click on the Save Changes button and finally on Update button
On frontend you will be able to view like this:
To create a one-time subscription for a simple product, enable the “One Time Subscription” option to set the subscription price for a single purchase. Follow these steps:
- From the backend, navigate to Products and select the specific product
- Click on Subscription Settings of the product
- Then, enable the Subscriptions Price for One Time Purchase option and enter the price
- Finally click on the Update button
On frontend you will be able to view like this:
24. Compatible Payment Gateways
The Subscriptions for WooCommerce plugin is compatible with WooCommerce payment gateways. It offers both automatic and manual WooCommerce recurring payment options.
- Integration with Authorize.net for WooCommerce by Pledge Plugins (Processing API Should be Legacy AIM)
- Mollie Payments for WooCommerce – WordPress plugin – How to Setup
- MultiSafepay plugin for WooCommerce – WordPress plugin – How to Setup
- Payment Plugins for Stripe WooCommerce – WordPress plugin – How to Setup
- WCFM – Frontend Manager for WooCommerce along with Bookings Subscription Listings
- Compatible WooCommerce Eway Gateway (Supported in some countries) – How to Setup
- WooCommerce Payment Method for Subscription Pro Plugin ( Credit/ Debit)– How to Setup
- Integration With WooCommerce PayFast Gateway – How to Setup
- Integration With PayHere Payment Gateway – How to Setup
- WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway – WordPress plugin – How to Setup
Note: We don’t support 3D Stripe
Note: By default all payment gateways which we support are supported/integrated with Credit/ Debit cards)
25.Compatible Plugins
With Subscriptions for WooCommerce plugin, you can also use additional plugins for enhanced features:
- Sell subscription products with membership discounts and include subscription services under membership plans using compatible plugins, Membership for WooCommerce
- Allow users to buy subscription products using a wallet amount using Wallet System For WooCommerce – WordPress plugin & Wallet System For WooCommerce Pro
- Allow the application of gift cards on purchase of subscriptions using Ultimate Gift Cards For WooCommerce
- Allow users to use points to pay partial or full amounts while buying subscriptions and earn points on subscription renewals using the Points and Rewards for WooCommerce (Free) and Points and Rewards for WooCommerce Pro
- Compatibility with WooCommerce Product Bundles allows you to sell subscription bundles. Subscriptions for WooCommerce Pro is also compatible with multisite.
- Subscriptions for WooCommerce Pro is also compatible with multisite.
25.1.PayPal Integration
- WooCommerce PayPal Standard
- WPS PayPal Payment Gateway Integration (US users only)
- WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Payment Gateway – WordPress plugin
- PayPal Subscription Integration
- WooCommerce PayPal Payments
Kindly Note: PayPal standard will be hidden on new installs
25.2.Common PayPal Integration Issues
- If your PayPal is not working properly, here are some steps to debug this issues:
- Check which PayPal you are using WPS PayPal or Standard PayPal
- Check your country and your PayPal account country
- If you are from the USA then move to WPS PayPal and Enable it from the WooCommerce Payment Gateway Section
- If not from the USA use standard PayPal and Enable it from the General Setting Tab
- If you have entered the API key and secret from the PayPal developer and it either says validation failed or comes up with the below error at checkout:
Here are some steps to debug this issue:
- First, make sure which country you are from or your PayPal account country
- If you are from the US, make sure you are using WPS-PayPal
- If not from the US then use Standard PayPal
- Check if the vault is enabled or not
- To enable Vault, go to your PayPal account settings, and check the screenshot below
26.WPML Compatibility
The Subscriptions for WooCommerce plugin is compatible with the WordPress Multilingual (WPML) plugin for localization of the Subscriptions for WooCommerce plugin’s strings.
To translate Subscriptions for WooCommerce, extract all strings of the plugin following these steps:
- Go to WordPress Admin Panel > WPML > Themes and Plugins Localization
- Scroll down to find the ‘Strings in the plugins’ section.
- Select the Subscriptions for WooCommerce plugin from the list of plugins.
For translating the strings into a different language click the number of strings present next to the plugin.
You’ll be redirected to a page where all the strings of the plugin are listed. Here, you can translate each string.
On this page, you can manually select a string you want to translate. Click on the “+” button that is present next to each string in every row. Click the ‘+’ sign of the language you want to include.
A popup will display in which you can write the translation of the string.
Once you’ve written the translation it will be automatically saved. When the customer chooses a different language they’ll see the translated version of the string.
27.Payments Gateways Integration
The Subscriptions for WooCommerce plugin is compatible with the following WooCommerce payment gateways:
- WooCommerce Stripe Payment Gateway – WordPress plugin (Credit card, Debit Card, and Stripe Sepa Direct Debit are supported). Remember, Stripe SEPA Direct Debit payment method works only for EURO currency.
Note:- We don’t support 3D Stripe - Compatible with PayPal Standard payment gateway.
- Integrated with WPS PayPal Payment Gateway (for US-based customers). Activate this payment method by entering the Client ID and Secret ID.
- WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Payment Gateway – WordPress plugin
- WooEpay
- wps-paypal
If you want some other payment gateway integration, you can directly contact us.
Kindly Note: PayPal standard will be hidden on new installs
28.Integration With PayPal Payment Gateway API
Subscription for WooCommerce Plugin is integrated with WooCommerce PayPal Payment Gateway. The first-time user will be able to see it as wps-paypal in the multistep form.
Whereas previous users will have to enter the Client ID as well as Secret ID in order to use this payment method.
How to deal with expired subscription renewal?
You will have to create plans for the expired subscription-based products again. However, the Subscription for WooCommerce Pro will support the automatic renewal of the subscription plans.
Do Subscriptions for WooCommerce plugin support recurring payments for a subscription-type product?
Yes, Admin needs to configure compatible payment gateways like Stripe, PayPal, Mollie, Authorize.net & more to support recurring payments on your site.
What type of products can we use with Subscriptions for WooCommerce?
Admin can use simple product types with Subscriptions for WooCommerce by checking a checkbox.
Can I extend the plan before expiration?
No, you cannot extend a subscription plan before expiration. But, both the admin and the user can initially set the expiry date for the subscription plans.
Can I show the same product as a subscription or a standard product?
Yes, the admin can place the product as a subscription product or a standard product.
Can I add the shipping cost to the recurring payments?
Yes, the admin can include the shipping cost in the recurring payments.
Can I set a lifetime subscription for products or services?
Yes, unlimited WooCommerce subscriptions can be given to the users with Subscriptions for WooCommerce.
Will I have to renew the free products also?
Yes, in the Subscriptions for WooCommerce plugin, you will have to renew the free products.
Can I limit the free trial for subscription-based products and services?
Yes, the admin can decide the frequency of the free trial to the users. Admin can set it for a week, day, or month. Recurring payments will begin after this free trial frequency.
How can I send notifications and reminders to users?
Admin can send post-subscription payment notifications to the users via email.
Which addon will I need to export my subscriber's plans and details?
You will not need any other addon for exporting user data. The Subscription for WooCommerce Pro plugin will do that for you.
Is there any mail functionality available for different subscription Plans?
Yes, our WooCommerce subscriptions plugin has different mail options for different subscription statuses like:
- Subscription plans are canceled
- Subscription plans expire
I am getting this error: “ Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements.'
It means that you are using the wrong payment gateway or the payment gateway which is not integrated with our plugin. For this we have solution, connect to our support team and they will give a solution for the same
30.Feedback and Suggestions
Didn’t see a feature in the Subscriptions for WooCommerce plugin that you think would be useful? We’d love to hear it. Reach out to our Support and we’ll consider adding it to the future release.
31.Helpful Resources !!
Users can utilize the following sections to get in-depth knowledge about the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin…
- Stay Ahead of the Curve: The Best Subscriptions Plugin Every Site Owner Must Know
- Subscription Marketing: 9 Strategies To Propel Your Business Forward
- Subscriptions and Membership: Choosing The Right Business Model
- How to Setup WooCommerce Subscriptions on Your Store?
- How To Sell Subscriptions Online on Your Store?
- WooCommerce Subscription: How to Create Manual Subscriptions From the Subscriptions Table?
- Free WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin: How to Set Up Subscriptions and Boost Recurring Revenue ?
- Subscription Plugin: How To Boost Recurring Purchases and Sales on Your Store?
- How To Enable Email Notifications Feature With WooCommerce Subscriptions Plugin?
- FREE WooCommerce Subscription Plugin | How to Setup subscription Product in WooCommerce | 2024
- WooCommerce Subscription: How to Setup Subscription Product in WooCommerce || New Features || 2024
- WooCommerce Subscriptions Pro: How To Create A Subscription Website?
- How to Build a Subscription WordPress Website Using WooCommerce Subscriptions || Premium Features